Friday, June 19, 2009


The month of June is a very busy one around our house! It's par for the course that we jam 150 things into a small amount of time, but that's what we're use to and that's that! There's nothing we would change, even if we could.

Maddy had her skating party a couple weekends ago and Micah's party is tomorrow. I need to come up with a good idea for something people can do instead of gifts. Maybe a donation to the local humane society. The kids sure don't need more "stuff"!

Micah is enjoying baseball this summer. He's got a great arm and his batting is coming along.

Summer school starts on Monday. My classes are full. I have rethought the way that I'm doing the scrapbooking classes. I'll be curious to see how it works.

Two weeks from tomorrow we leave for Rhinelander. We are all very excited about getting away for a week! I'll think about packing another time :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The end of the school year...

I've been subbing in 2nd grade for the past few weeks. It's been a real adjustment for our family. Around the house laundry piles up and so does the clutter. By the time I get home each day, I'm tired and don't feel like doing much of anything. Mike has been as helpful as he can, but his schedule has been super hectic, too.

2nd graders are A LOT different than middle schoolers. The #1 difference is THE TATTLING...
Envision a whining voice when reading from the list below (all names are fictitious, except mine and one other)...

Mrs. Garvey, Joey pushed me out of the line.
Mrs. Garvey, Micah keeps humming.
Mrs. Garvey, someone wrote on the bathroom door.
Mrs. Garvey, Suzy has stinky feet.
Mrs. Garvey, Micah is distracting me.
Mrs. Garvey, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...........

I've been barked at, sneezed on, and I've taken care of stinky feet.

And believe it or not, it's all been good. We've accomplished a whole bunch in a short period of time...

We've learned to add and subtract three digit numbers when regrouping is needed. We've read a variety of short stories, fables, and folktales.
We've completed end of the year assessments.
We've made fossils and learned about paleontologists and dinosaurs.
We've written letters to Mr. and Mrs. DiPietro and baby Samuel.
We've finished reading Charlotte's Web and will watch the movie.