Wednesday, November 10, 2010

January 21-23, 2011

The next scrap/craft weekend is scheduled for January 21-23, 2011 in Watertown at the Holiday Inn Express. Contact me for more info.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Kicked in the...

Last Saturday Maddy played in her last soccer game of the season. At one point, early in the game, she got hurt. I had my back turned, watching Micah's team and hadn't seen how her injury occurred. All I knew was that there wasn't any blood and she was up running around in no time at all.

At half-time, Maddy came running over to me and asked me to help tie her shoe. As I did this, she said, "Mom, did you see me get hurt before? I got kicked right in the nuts!"

Trying not to burst out laughing, I simply replied, "Maddy, remember, girls don't have nuts, they have vagi..." and she cut me off in mid-sentence with, "I know, I know, but that's where I got kicked!"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Micah's Future Career

Micah wants to be a parking guy at Disney. He takes his parking very seriously. He just motioned me into the garage with a great deal of enthusiasm. Body language - hand motions, head bobs, and the ever needed "whoaa" when you have parked as far up as needed.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Water Bottle

Today was the JC Elementary School Field Day at UW Whitewater. Micah and Maddy were both very excited about it. I feel the need to share this story in hopes that you can all say a little prayer for me now and for the next, oh, let's say 15-20 years...

Maddy was up very early this morning in anticipation of today's trip. As we were packing lunches, she grabbed one of her cold water bottles, looked at it and said, "Mom, just my name on the bottle is not enough. We need to write 1-OD. Let me get a Sharpie." The kids are trained to label everything at school with their grade and the first letter of their teacher(s) last name, hence 1-OD. Anyway, Maddy goes to the cupboard to get a Sharpie, picks up the water bottle, which is very sweaty, and says, "This damn water bottle is too wet. The Sharpie won't work."

Of course, I respond by asking, "What did you just say?" And Maddy responds, "This damn water bottle is wet and the Sharpie won't work."

I try not to laugh and explain to her that "damn" is a swear word. She proceeds to cry...

Just another nice normal morning at the Garvey's.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pitch Hit & Run

A couple of weekends ago was the Aquafina Pitch Hit & Run competition out at the Farmington ballpark. The plan was that as soon as Mike got back to town, he would stop out at the soccer field so that as soon as Micah's soccer game was done they could race out to Farmington for a regular practice and then the competition. Maddy decided to go with, which gave me time at home to work on my final semester projects. Yipeee!!

Mike called after the competition to let me know that BOTH kids participated and they had a great time. Wow! I was surprised to hear that Maddy did it because she has never had an interest whats-so-ever in t-ball, little league, or softball. But I thought to myself, what the heck, more power to her.

This evening I was going through school folders and in Maddy's was a sealed envelop with her name on it. looked like an adult's hand-writing. So, being the curious mom that I am, I opened it, only to find two blue ribbons and a letter indicating that Maddy had won her division as All-Around Champ and Running Champ. Those of you who know Maddy know that she's just about as athletic as you can get. She was born an athlete.

The dilemma...other than Micah being crushed when he finds this info out, is, do we take her to Middleton for sectional competition????? My gut instinct says "no".

What are your thoughts on this? Please let me know...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's only been seven months...

Seven months since my last post...that's not soooo bad!!!!

Once again, my friends keep telling me I need to write down some of the crazy stuff that goes on here at the Garvey house....

My mom once said she thought that some people (those who don't know me real well) might read some of these posts and think less of me or of my family - really, mom, are you serious!!!!?!!!!! Read my previous post (March 3, 2009), if you really want to know how I feel about that comment and how this blog began : )

Earlier this week Maddy was having a fit before school(pretty typical). It went like this...

"Moooommmmm, please help me get dressed, pleaaaasssseeee! Mom, if you don't help me NOW I will get sick and die!! Moooommmmmm, I don't want to die!!!!!"

In my head I said, "Whatever little brat!" She continued on for approx 30 minutes. she finally got dressed, she was as healthy as can be, and is alive to tell about it.