Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Ready for April Fool's Day

I've always been a big fan of April Fool's Day (as long as I'm the one playing the jokes)! Family Fun magazine had some great ideas this month and I'm using some of them this year. Here's what I have planned...

  1. The kids will stuff socks or cotton balls or something into the toes of Mike's dress shoes. He won't be able to get his feet into them. The kids will think it's great! Does this mean I have to wake them up to see this happen or should I try to get Mike to stay at home later than normal in the morning?
  2. I bought two little milk size cartons of Gold Fish Crackers. I very carefully opened the bottoms on the cartons, just enough to get the fish out, and filled them with macaroni noodles. I closed them up tight w/ some of my super strong scrapbook adhesive. I'm going to sneak the real Gold Fish to school before snack time and let the kid's teacher get involved. Maddy will think this is funny. I'm not sure about Micah. I may not send his to school. It might be better if we do his at home.
  3. Most of you know that I rarely ever cook dinner. Mike enjoys it so much that I'm always more than happy to let him take charge in that arena. Well, for dinner on April Fool's Day I'm going all out.... Guess what we're having?????? Good old fish sticks and peas (no one in the family likes fish and only peas if they are fresh). The fish sticks are going to be those long skinny wafer type cookies covered in peanut butter and then rolled in crushed corn flakes. Yum!!!! The peas are going to be little pieces of green taffy rolled in balls. The kids will freak out...#1 I made a meal and #2 they will think it's the grossest combination ever. Mike won't like it either, but I bet he'll be polite about it. I am also willing to bet that once they realize that it's NOT fish sticks and peas, they'll be all over it!!
Wish me luck!!

PS Another good reason I need to get back into the classroom....April Fool's Day!!!!

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